00 26/08/2011 12:23
Ant59., 26/08/2011 10.38:

Dopo aver steso un velo pietoso sulla frase : "Nessun essere umano sarebbe in grado di creare una cosa del genere.",perchè non mi pare proprio che siamo di fronte ad un crop di così complicata fattura da mattere a dura prova l'ingegno umano, vorrei
aprire una riflessione su quei cropcircles cosidetti "inspiegabili",quelli cioè ottenuti in poco tempo ed estremamente complessi.Mi chiedo e vi chiedo: in quei casi dove sta il trucco? [SM=g6330]

Anche i più complessi sono riproducili in poche ore, la tecnologia GPS in campo topografico ha fatto passi da gigante in questi ultimi anni.

Comunque con i classici metodi da cantiere non è egualmente difficile.

How to make the famous Milk Hill crop circle

Step one:

1. Follow a tramline at least 500 ft.
2. Using a 225 foot string, make an arc as shown.


Step two:

1. With the same string, hold one end of the string at an end point and, with the other end of the string in hand, follow the arc you just made until the string is taught.


Step three:

1. Now the person at the endpoint of the first arc forms the second arc, stopping when he intersects the first arc.


Step four:

1. Repeat steps two and three until you get the diagram shown.


At this time you will have walked 6000 feet. If you walk a leisurely one foot per second, it will only take 100 minutes to complete.


Step five:

1. Go to the point on the outside of the pattern where two circles intersect.
2. Using a 35 foot piece of string, mark a 70 foot circle.
At one foot per minute, you will form the circle in less than 4 minutes. Now, using a five foot wide crop squashing device tramp down the inside of the circle by making concentric circles.
This should only take another 14 minutes. The six smaller circles will take an additional 16 minutes. Total = 34 minutes times 6 for the pattern equals 3.4 hours. If this seems too short a time, do the math yourself. C = D * 3.14
I went outside in a field of four foot tall grass and verified that a foot per second is not overly difficult.


Step six:

1. Make 12 more patterns like the one in step five decreasing in size. Continuing with the one foot per second and a five foot wide crop squashing device, this will take about 3 hours.


Step seven:

1. Repeat step six five more times. (15 hours)
2. Make a 75 foot circle in the center of the pattern. (20 minutes).


Total time required for actual crop squashing is 26.4 hours. Add a few hours for preparation, inefficiencies etc. and you should be able to produce this formation in under 36 hours, which can be divided by the number of people participating.

Considering that this formation must have been made by very experienced and skilled hoaxers, the actual time was probably quite a bit less than I have estimated.




Compito della scienza non è aprire una porta all'infinito sapere, ma porre una barriera all'infinita ignoranza.