00 06/06/2013 20:13
[SM=g8906] Dimensions: di J. Vallee 

Although I am among those who believe that UFOs are real physical objects. I do not think they are extraterrestrial in the ordinary sense of the term. In my view they present an exciting challenge to our concept of reality itself. 

[ cuttone ] 

Such a historical perspective, which is summarized in Part One under "The Alien Chronicles," is entertaining and often captivating. But more importantly, it is critical to a full understanding of the problem. If these objects have been seen from time immemorial, as I will show, and if their occupants have always performed similar actions along similar lines of behavior, then it is not reasonable to assume that they are "simply" extraterrestrial visitors. They must be something more.Perhaps they have always been here. On earth. With us. 

Questa e’ in sintesi la tesi del [SM=g10713] libro (ovviamente errata, in quanto desunta da dati errati o patacca). 

In primo luogo: 
  [SM=g8906] 1-e’ vero che le visite aliene partono da tempo immemore dal 5000ac ma [SM=g9962]  gli alieni non sono sempre stati sulla terra, sud america (e proababilmente siberia, ove furono stabilite e probabilmente vi sono ancora oggi, basi di prossimita’, meglio dire nanobasi, come probabilmente è Hessdalen). 

  [SM=g8335] 2-gli alieni sono visitatori extraterrestri, ci osservano e ci studiano. c’e’ congruenza iconografica tra le razze aliene attese (corollario eso-darwiniano e le iconografie degli dei dello ZepTepi. Anche l’iconografia del caso Zanfretta è compatibile con il corollario eso-darviniano). 

3-Gli alieni sono di piu’ di esseri alieni?! 
Gli alieni sono persone,  [SM=g8335]  provengono da culture piu’ avanzate, una cultura piu’ retrograda che provi a “stimare” qualcosa di incognito, bisogna che si appoggi su considerazioni come: 
-differenze tecnologiche (stimabili in parte, dato il gap tecnologico) 
-differenze biologiche (e per analogia a specie terrestri di razza non troppo dissimile e/o con minori differenze) 
-differenze culturali (totalmente sconosciute e non stimabili, se non in piccola parte, osservando la misurazione del gradiente alieno) 

E’ pero’ vero il fatto che al crescere del fabbisogno energetico di una cultura, esiste una correlazione positiva con il rispetto dei diritti umani, conoscenza, saggezza. Per cui, come ebbe a dire il buon padre Balducci, è molto probabile che gli alieni siano moralmente superiori a noi (così come lo sono tecnologicamente). Da li’ a dire pero’ che sono angeli o qualcosa che ebbe a creare tutte le religioni sulla terra... direi proprio di no. Vallee imho non ha sviluppato l’assioma dell’alieno razionale e quindi del principio di comportamento atteso di un alieno razionale che studi da vicino la terra, in rapporto ai culti del cargo. Quindi Vallee, erroneamente scambia il comportamento nel passato alieno=deo come qualcosa di religioso e non come “una politica aliena" (volontaria od involontaria) per rispettare il principio di neutralita’, avere il massimo risultato con il minimo mezzo e garantire la propria sicurezza personale in un mondo arretrato, violento e selvaggio. 

Segue nel libro dimensions, [SM=g9955] un micidiale mix tra adduzioni, miti, leggende, hoax... 

Riclassificando le adduzioni in 3 classi:

fantomatica adduzione, [SM=g8814] evento non misurabile 
libere narrazioni di uno o piu’ soggetti, che già si conoscevano prima del presunto evento. Presenza di disegni del/dei presunti addotti

adduzione verosimile: [SM=g10713] evento plausibilmente misurabile 
narrazioni (sotto penthotal) di uno o piu’ soggetti, che gia’ si conoscevano prima del presunto evento. Presenza di disegni, segni fisici (impianti, cicatrici) sull’addotto, testimonianze di terzi soggetti (che non conoscevano gli addotti) che confermino avvistamenti dello stesso oggetto
Es: caso Lonzi 

adduzione aliena, [SM=g10251] evento IR4
narrazioni (sotto penthotal) di uno o piu’ soggetti, che gia’ si conoscevano prima del presunto evento. Presenza di disegni, segni fisici (impianti, cicatrici) sull’addotto oppure conoscenze anomale (che non potevano essere conosciute), testimonianze di terzi soggetti (che non conoscevano gli addotti) che confermino avvistamenti dello stesso oggetto, tracce dirette sul terreno, eventi anomali annessi al caso

Es: caso Zanfretta (la prima parte del racconto). 

Nel libro di Vallee, salvo errori ed omissioni i casi citati sono: 

fantomatiche adduzioni, eventi non misurabili: 20 casi | 90% 
adduzioni verosimili, eventi plausibilmente misurabili: 2 casi | 10% 
adduzioni aliene, eventi IR4 0 | 0% 

E’ priva di significato imho la tesi [SM=g10191] che Vallee tira pag.81 dicendo: 

What we have here is a complete theory of contact between our race and another race, nonhuman, different in physical nature, but biologically compatible with us. Angels, demons, fairies, creatures from heaven, hell, or Magonia: they inspire our strangest dreams, shape our destinies, steal our desires.... 

con il 90% di potenziali cazzabubbole,  [SM=g8346]  come si fa a sostenere una roba cosi?! 

C’e’ pero’ un caso interessante di Aductions citate da Vallee, per la precisione sarebbero 2 casi che meriterebbero imho di essere esaminati meglio. 

caso di Gerry Irvin, citato in Dimension, pag.63

The story of Private Irwin is mysterious, and very little has been done to clarify it. It has been mentioned only once in UFO literature, by the late James Lorenzen, director of the APRO group, and has not, to the best of my knowledge, been the subject of subsequent investigation. Such an investigation, however, would throw light on the sociological context of UFO reports. Perhaps, as Lorenzen suggests, there was a military investigation that has been kept secret. If so, secrecy on the part of the authorities, if they are really concerned with the nation's peace of mind, is not the best course. The well-established facts of the Irwin case, which serves as our introduction to a discussion of the problem or "contact," makes it clear that open research is now imperative on all aspects of the phenomenon. 
Late on February 28, 1959, Gerry Irwin, a Nike missile technician, was driving from Nampa, Idaho, back to his barracks at Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. He had reached Cedar City, Utah, and turned southeast on Route 14 when he observed an unusual phenomenon six miles after the turnoff. The landscape brightened, and a glowing object crossed the sky from right to left. Irwin stopped the car and got out. He watched the object continue to the east until hidden from view by a ridge. 
The witness decided that he might have seen an airliner on fire attempting a forced landing, in which case there was no time to lose. Consequently, instead of resuming his journey, Irwin wrote a note ("Have gone to investigate possible plane crash. Please call law enforcement officers.") and placed it on the steering wheel of his car. Using shoe polish, he wrote "STOP" on the side of his car, to make sure people would find his note, and then started out on foot. 
Approximately thirty minutes later, a fish and game inspector did stop. He took the note to the Cedar City sheriff, Otto Pfief, who gathered a party of volunteers and returned to the site. Ninety minutes after he had sighted the strange object, Gerry Irwin was discovered unconscious and taken to the hospital. No trace of an airplane crash was found. 
At the hospital, Dr. Broadbent observed that Irwin's temperature and respiration were normal. He seemed merely asleep, but he could not be awakened. Dr. Broadbent diagnosed hysteria. Then, when Irwin did wake up, he felt fine although he was still puzzled by the object he had seen. He was also puzzled by the disappearance of his jacket. He was assured that he was not wearing it when he was found by the search party. Irwin was flown back to Fort Bliss and placed under observation at William Beaumont Army Hospital for four days, after which period he returned to duty. His security clearance, however, was revoked. 
Several days later, Irwin fainted while walking in the camp, but he recovered rapidly. Several days afterward, on Sunday, March 15, he fainted again in an El Paso street and was taken to Southwest General Hospital. There his physical condition was found similar to that observed in Cedar City. He woke up at about 2:00 A.M. on Monday and asked: "Where there any survivors?" He was told that the date was not February 28 but March 16. Once more, he was taken to William Beaumont Hospital and placed under observation by psychiatrists. He remained there over one month. Lorenzen reports that, according to a Captain Valentine, the results of the tests indicated that Irwin was normal. He was discharged from the hospital on April 17. 
The next day, following a very powerful urge, he left the fort without leave, caught a bus in El Paso, arrived in Cedar City Sunday afternoon (April 19), walked to the spot where he had seen the object, left the road, and went back through the hills – right to a bush where his jacket lay. There was a pencil in a buttonhole with a piece of paper wound tightly around it. He took the paper and burned it. Then he seemed to come out of a trance. He had to look for the road. Not understanding why he had come there, he turned himself in and thus met Sheriff Otto Pfief, who gave him the details of the first incident. 
The Lorenzens contacted Irwin after he had returned to Fort Bliss and undergone a new psychological examination, as futile as the previous one. His case came to the attention of the Inspector General, who ordered a new investigation. On July 10, Irwin reentered the hospital. On August 1, he failed to report for duty. One month later he was listed as a deserter. He was never 
seen again. 

Tenendo presente che in USA nel 1959 non avevano la carta d’identita’ cosi’ come noi la concepiamo in italia e che era facile scambiare identita’ (come dimostra bene, il caso di qualche anno fa in gran bretagna e di molte truffe assicurative in USA), sarebbe utile capire quanto v’e’ di vero in questo caso. Ammesso di trovar dati via internet. 
Se fosse tutto vero... io una mezza idea, ce l’avrei, e sarebbe perfettamente compatibile pure con la teoria del paleocontattone!. 

[SM=g8906] caso in valutazione... [SM=g11585]

caso di Eugenio douglas del 12/10/63, citato in Dimension, pag.74

October 12, 1963. Between Monte Maiz and Isla Verde, in Argentina, Eugenio Douglas drove his truck loaded with coal through the hard rain. Dawn was coming. Suddenly, Douglas saw a bright spot on the road ahead, like the headlights of an approaching vehicle, except that it was a single, blinding light. To avoid a collision, Douglas slowed down. The light became so intense he had to lower his head and move to the side. He stopped the truck and got out. The light had disappeared. 
Through the rain, Eugenio Douglas could now see a circular metallic craft, about thirty-five feet high. An opening became visible, making a second area of light, less intense, and three figures appeared. They looked like men, but they were wearing strange headdresses with things like antennae attached. They were over twelve feet tall. There was nothing repulsive about the entities, said Douglas, but he was terribly scared. 
As soon as he was seen by the figures, a ray of red light flashed to the spot where he stood and burned him. Grabbing a revolver, he fired at the three entities and ran off toward Monte Maiz. But the burning red light followed him as far as the village, where it interfered with the street lights,turning them violet and green. Douglas could smell a pungent gas. The beauty and dramatic character of that scene is impressive. In a screen illustration of the UFO saga this is probably the sighting that would best carry its total meaning. Douglas ran to the nearest house and shouted for help. Ribas, the owner, had died the previous night, but his family, gathered around the body, reported that at the same time they heard Douglas's call the candles in the room and the electric lights in the house turned green, and the same strange smell was noticed. They rushed to open the door: there was Douglas in the pouring rain, his overcoat over his head and a gun in his hand. The street lights had changed color. It must have been one of the most visually fantastic scenes in the rich archives of ufology. 
Eugenio Douglas was taken to the police station, where the burns on his face and hands were clearly seen. The police, it turned out, had recieved a number of calls about the lights' color change,but they had attributed the change to irregularities in the local power plant – which, however, would hardly account for the change in the candle lights! Douglas was examined by a doctor, who stated that the burns had been caused by a radiation similar to ultraviolet (according to Douglas, he had felt a burn when exposed to a red beam). When villagers went to the site where the truck was still parked, they found large footprints, nearly twenty inches long, but they were shortly afterward washed away by rain. 

[ x ] e’ un racconto di una singola persona, 
[ x ] la palla di luce potrebbe essere stata benissimo un fulmine globulare, dato che per altro si diceva che pioveva. 

[ x ] Le tracce nel terreno di per se non erano particolarmente significative e non hanno niente di anomalo 

[ x ] i presunti alieni furono descritti come “uguali ad umani = mammiferi” senza avere il look dei grigi insetti sapiens del paleocontattone oppure dei sauri sapiens di Zanfretta. 

[ x ] insettoidi e sauri non usano scafandri (almeno non piu’ dal 5000ac dopo le ricognizioni) 

Quello che pero’ rende il racconto interessante e’ il fatto che attorno al presunto disco alieno, vi fosse almeno un oggetto che pare compatibile con la fenomenologia Foo Fighters. 


Altro non ho trovato [SM=g8225] e per altro si attinge alla stessa fonte. 
Caso non misurabile per assenza di dati,  [SM=g10218] ha troppe contraddizioni, probabile hoax [SM=g8814]

Dimensions si scarica qui' [SM=g8814] www1.datafilehost.com/d/30b379c6
L'ho trovato su above the segret [SM=g8225] afair
[Modificato da cazz@ro6502 06/06/2013 20:15]